
Achieving sustainable Striga control for poor farmers in Africa: Biocontrol using Fusarium oxysporum sp strigaea
Addressing the challenges of smallholder farming communities: Restoring Degraded Agroecosystems
Climate-smart crop-livestock systems for smallholders in the tropics: Integration of new forage hybrids to intensify agriculture and to mitigate climate change through regulation of nitrification in soil
DFG-FOR 1695: Agricultural Landscapes under Global Climate Change – Processes and Feedbacks on a Regional Scale
DFG-Forschergruppe "Regional Climate Change": Climate change scenario modelling of soil carbon turnover on basis of improved soil carbon pool distribution on a regional scale
EaTSANE: Education and Training for Sustainable Agriculture and Nutrition in East Africa
HealthyLAND - Crops for Healthy Diets: Linking Agriculture and Nutrition
Integrated Isotopic Approaches for an Area-wide Precision Conservation to Control the Impacts of Agricultural Practices on Land Degradation and Soil Erosion
Soil organic carbon sequestration in a sandy soil as influenced by plant quality
SURUMER - Nachhaltiger Kautschukanbau in der Mekong-Region - Teilvorhaben: Projektkoordination, Kohlenstoffdynamik, Wasserhaushalt, Bestäuberdienstleistungen, Naturreservatkonflikte, sozio-ökonomische Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung
SURUMER - TP Kohlenstoffdynamik in den Landnutzungssystemen
THAIGERM cooperation 030
Underutilized or unprotected? New methods for analyzing diverging perspectives on the large-scale conversion of tropical grassland eco-systems