All Publications
Title | Authors | In: | Year | Type |
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi-based bioremediation of mercury: insights from zinc and cadmium transporter studies | Guo, Y.; Martin, K.; Hrynkiewicz, K.; Rasche, F. | International journal of environmental science and technology, 21 (3475–3488). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature | 2024 | Journal Article |
Rhizophagus irregularis improves Hg tolerance of Medicago truncatula by upregulating the Zn transporter genes ZIP2 and ZIP6 | Guo, Yaqin; Sommer, Nadine; Martin, Konrad; Rasche, Frank | Mycorrhiza, 33 (23–32). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature | 2023 | Journal Article |
Genetic diversity and community composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with root and rhizosphere soil of the pioneer plant Pueraria phaseoloides | Guo, Yaqin; Bei, Qicheng; Dzomeku, Beloved Mensah; Martin, Konrad; Rasche, Frank | iMeta, 1 (1–12). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons | 2022 | Journal Article |
Role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Rhizophagus irregularis) on mercury tolerance of Medicago truncatula in relation to mercury and zinc concentration | Guo, Yaqin; Sommer, Nadine; Martin, Konrad; Rasche, Frank | Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers’ and academia’s views : Tropentag 2022 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 74–74, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag | 2022 | Conference Paper |
Biodiversity and ecosystem services: a case study for the assessment of multiple species and functional diversity levels in a cultural landscape | Cotter, M.; Häuser, I.; Harich, F. K.; He, P.; Sauerborn, J.; Treydte, A. C.; Martin, K.; Cadisch, G. | Ecological indicators, 75 (111–117). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier | 2017 | Journal Article |
Rubber intercropping: a viable concept for the 21st century? | Langenberger, Gerhard; Cadisch, Georg; Martin, Konrad; Min, Shi; Waibel, Hermann | Agroforestry systems, 91 (577–596). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature | 2017 | Journal Article |
Effects of rubber cultivation on biodiversity in the Mekong Region | He, P.; Martin, K. | CAB reviews : perspectives in agriculture, veterinary science, nutrition and natural resources, 10, 044 (1–7). Place: Wallingford Publisher: CAB International | 2016 | Journal Article |
Movement patterns of selected insect groups between natural forest, open land and rubber plantation in a tropical landscape (southern Yunnan, SW China) | Meng, L. Z.; Yang, X. D.; Martin, K.; Gan, J. M.; Liu, Y. H.; Gong, W. C. | Journal of insect conservation, 20 (1–9). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature | 2016 | Journal Article |
Research-praxis integration in South China–the rocky road to implement strategies for sustainable rubber cultivation in the Mekong Region. | Aenis, T.; Wang, J.; Hofmann-Souki, S.; Tang, L.; Langenberger, G.; Cadisch, G.; Martin, K.; Cotter, M.; Krauss, M.; Waibel, H. | London: Taylor & Francis | 2016 | Book |
Contrasting responses of hoverflies and wild bees to habitat structure and land use change in a tropical landscape (southern Yunnan, SW China) | Meng, L.-Z.; Martin, K.; Liu, J.; Burger, F.; Chen, J. | Insect science, 19 (6) (666–676) | 2012 | Journal Article |
Young leaf protection in the shrub Leea glabra in south-west China: The role of extrafloral nectaries and ants | Meng, L.-Z.; Martin, K.; Liu, J.-X.; Chen, J. | Arthropod-plant interactions, 6 (59–65). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature | 2012 | Journal Article |
Ethnobotanical knowledge of Philippine lowland farmers and its application in agroforestry | Langenberger, G.; Prigge, V.; Martin, K.; Belonias, B.; Sauerborn, J. | Agroforestry systems, 78 (173–194). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature | 2009 | Journal Article |
Effects of azadirachthin injection in litchi trees (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) on the litchi stink bug (Tessaratoma papillosa) in northern Thailand | Schulte, M.-J.; Martin, K.; Sauerborn, J. | Journal of pest science, 79 (241–250). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature | 2006 | Journal Article |
Ground cover vegetation of litchi orchards in relation to land use intensity in mountainous northern Thailand | Euler, D.; Martin, K.; Chamsai, L.; Wehner, R.; Sauerborn, J. | International journal of botany, 2 (117–124). Place: Faisalabad Publisher: Asian Network for Scientific Information | 2006 | Journal Article |
Vascular plant species inventory of a Philippine lowland rainforest and its conservation value | Langenberger, G.; Martin, K.; Sauerborn, J. | Biodiversity and conservation, 15 (1271–1301). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature | 2006 | Journal Article |
Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte
SURUMER - Nachhaltiger Kautschukanbau in der Mekong-Region
Teilvorhaben: Projektkoordination, Kohlenstoffdynamik, Wasserhaushalt, Bestäuberdienstleistungen, Naturreservatkonflikte, sozio-ökonomische Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung
Project begin: 01.12.2011
Project end: 30.11.2016
Sponsor mark: 01LL0919A
Involved persons
- Prof. Dr. Michael Ahlheim
- Prof. Dr. Folkard Asch
- Dipl.-Agr.Biol. Sabine Baumgartner
- Prof. Dr. Georg Cadisch
- Dr. Gerhard Langenberger
- Dr. rer. nat. Konrad Martin
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Sauerborn
- PD Dr. Anna Treydte
Involved institutions
- Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
- Agroecology in the Tropics and Subtropics
- Agronomy in the Tropics and Subtropics
- Economics: Environmental Economics, Regulatory and Consumer Policy
- Management of Crop Water Stress in the Tropics and Subtropics
- Hohenheim Tropen
- Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics (Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute)
Further Information
Publications in the course of the project
- Measuring leaf area index in Asian rubber plantations – a challenge
2017: Cotter, M., Asch, F., Hilger, T., Rajaona, A., Schappert, A., Stuerz, S., Yang, X.
- Assessing Ecosystem Services in Rubber Dominated Landscapes in South-East Asia—A Challenge for Biophysical Modeling and Transdisciplinary Valuation
2017: Thellmann, K., Blagodatsky, S., Häuser, I.,Liu, H., Wang, J., Asch, f., Cadisch, G., Cotter, M.
- Identifying Tipping Points in the Supply of Ecosystem Services in Rural Environments of South-East Asia
2017: Cotter M., Thellmann, K, Baumgartner, S., Cadisch, G.,, Asch, F.
- Research-praxis integration in South China–the rocky road to implement strategies for sustainable rubber cultivation in the Mekong Region.
2016: Aenis, T., Wang, J., Hofmann-Souki, S., Tang, L., Langenberger, G., Cadisch, G., Martin, K., Cotter, M., Krauss, M., Waibel, H.
- Replacing rubber plantations by rain forest in Southwest China—who would gain and how much?
2015: Ahlheim, M., Börger, T., Frör, O.
- Chinese urbanites and the preservation of rare species in remote parts of the country - The example of eaglewood
2014: Ahlheim, M., Frör, O., Langenberger, G., Pelz, S.,
- How do Beijing Residents Value Environmental Improvements in Remote Parts of China
2013: Ahlheim, M., Frör, O., Luo, J., Pelz, S., Jiang, T.