
Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte


Projektlaufzeit: 2020-2025

Region: Ostafrika

Länder: Äthiopien, Tansania, Sambia und Malawi

Agrarökologische Intensivierung des Mais- und Maniokanbaus in Afrika südlich der Sahara mit dem Ziel der Nachhaltigkeit des Wasser-Nahrungsmittel-Energie-Nexus, der Ernährungssicherheit und der Widerstandsfähigkeit der Lebensgrundlagen in Äthiopien, Tansania, Sambia und Malawi



Projektlaufzeit: 2020-2025

Region: Westafrika

Länder: Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal

Synergetische Nutzung und Schutz natürlicher Ressourcen für den Lebensunterhalt durch systemische Integration von Pflanzen und Sträuchern und Viehzucht in der Sahelzone. WP7 Szenario-Modellierung von CSL-Systemen



Beteiligte Personen


  • EU 2020


Projektlaufzeit: 2021-2024

Region: Europa

Länder: Schweden, Belgien, Frankreich, Österreich, Polen, Rumänien


Naturnaher mehrjähriger Getreideanbau als Modell zur Sicherung der funktionalen Biodiversität für eine zukunftsfähige Landwirtschaft.


Beteiligte Personen


  • DFG, H2020 ERA-Net cofund scheme "BiodivERsA3"



Abgeschlossene Forschungsprojekte

SURUMER - Nachhaltiger Kautschukanbau in der Mekong-Region

Teilvorhaben: Projektkoordination, Kohlenstoffdynamik, Wasserhaushalt, Bestäuberdienstleistungen, Naturreservatkonflikte, sozio-ökonomische Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung

Project begin: 01.12.2011

Project end: 30.11.2016

Sponsor mark: 01LL0919A

Involved persons

Involved institutions

Further Information


  • BMBF

Publications in the course of the project

SURUMER - TP Kohlenstoffdynamik in den Landnutzungssystemen

Project begin: 01.12.2011

Project end: 30.11.2016

Sponsor mark: 01LL0919A 


Ziel ist die Untersuchung der räumlichen und zeitlichen Dynamik des Kohlenstoffs in intensiv bewirtschafteten Kautschukplantagen verschiedenen Alters gegenüber einem naturnahen Waldökosystem. Analysiert werden die Kohlenstoffvorräte der Böden und Pflanzen, die gasförmigen Austräge aus den Systemen sowie die lateralen Abflüsse in die Gewässer. Die gewonnenen Daten liefern die Basis für die Parametrisierung, Kalibrierung und Validierung des Simulationsmodells LUCIA (Land Use Change Impact Assessment) für die Kohlenstoffdynamik in Wassereinzugsgebieten und deren Auswirkung auf verschiedene Ökosystemdienstleistungen.

Involved persons

Involved institutions

Further Information


Green Revolution 2.0

Laufzeit: 2020-21

Region: South Asia

Länder: Pakistan

Beteiligte Personen

Beteiligte Einrichtungen

  • Liège University, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Gembloux (Belgium)



Mercury-AMF: Phytoremediation of mercury contaminated mining sites in Ghana and Burkina Faso with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.

Subproject 1: Genetic characterization of potential AMF candidates in Ghana and Burkina Faso; Subproject 3: Evaluation of AMF plant systems in Burkina Faso.

Laufzeit:  2019-2022

Region: Africa

Länder: Uganda, Kenya

Beteiligte Personen

  • Dr. Thomas Hilger
  • Carolin Callenius (GFE)

Beteiligte Einrichtungen

  • Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun (Poland)
  • World Agroforestry Centre , Naitobi, Kenya



Organic resource and mineral nitrogen driven microbial community dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems with focus on microbially regulated soil nitrogen cycling

Project Period:  2011-2020

Region: Asia, Africa, Europe

Countries: China, Italy, Kenya, Portugal, Thailand

Involved Persons

Involved Institutions

  • Khon Kaen University (Thailand)
  • University of Lisbon (Portugal)
  • Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • IITA
  • University of Torino (Italy)


  • DAAD

COSCA: agro-ecological opportunities and tailor-made value chain schemes to develop a sustainable cocoa sector in South and Central America

Project Period:  2018-2019

Region: Latin America

Countries: Belgium, Colombia, The Netherlands, USA

Involved Persons

Involved Institutions

  • KU Leuven
  • Penn State
  • CIAT


  • BMBF

HypoWave: household wastewater reuse for resource-efficient hydroponic crop production

Project Period: 2016-2019

Region: Europe

Countries: Germany

Involved Persons

Involved Institutions

  • TU Braunschweig
  • ISOE – Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung, das Fraunhofer-Institut für Grenzflächen- und Bioverfahrenstechnik (IGB, das Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI)
  • der Abwasserverband Braunschweig
  • die Wolfsburger Entwässerungsbetriebe (WEB)
  • ACS-Umwelttechnik
  • aquadrat ingenieure (a2i)
  • aquatectura, aquatune – Dr. Gebhardt & Co., BIOTEC Biologische Naturverpackungen


  • BMBF

Effect of banana root exudates on Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense and indigenous rhizosphere microorganisms

Project Period: 2018

Region: Southern Africa

Countries: South Africa

Involved Persons

Involved Institutions

  • Stellenbosch University


  • DFG under the TWAS Cooperation Visits Programme

IITA ‘Achieving sustainable Striga control for poor farmers in Africa’. Biocontrol using Fusarium oxysporum sp strigaea’

Project Period: 2011 - 2014

Region: Africa

Countries: Nigeria, Kenya


Involved Persons

  • PD Dr. Frank Rasche
  • Dr. sc. agr. Mary Musyoki
  • Dr. sc. agr. Judith Zimmermann
  • Prof. Dr. Georg Cadisch

Involved Institutions

  • IITA Nigeria
  • KMU Kenya


  • Bill+Melinda Gates Foundation

Addressing the challenges of smallholder farming communities: Restoring Degraded Agroecosystems

Project Period: 2013-2017

Region: Central and South America

Countries: Nicaragua, Paraguay

The Goal of the project is to improve livelihoods of the rural poor in the tropics by restoring degraded soils and landscapes to enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability in an era of climate change. The Purpose is to restore degraded soils and agroecosystems to enhance the productivity, profitability, resilience, and generation of other ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes in Nicaragua and Paraguay that are highly vulnerable to climate change, through the adoption of improved climate-smart agroforestry and silvopastoral based systems (AFS) by smallholder communities. The Outputs are: (i) Strategies developed for the adaptation of AFS that integrate improved crops, forages, multipurpose trees, and management options for improved productivity, profitability and resilience to restore degraded lands and confront climate change. (ii) Impact of improved AFS strategies assessed at farm and landscape scales for ecosystem services (reduced soil erosion and greenhouse gas emissions, improved soil quality and water dynamics, carbon sequestration, and biodiversity conservation), based on field quantification and modeling of landscape scenarios. (iii) Tools and strategies developed to identify regions in the tropics facing similar constraints for subsequent adaptation and dissemination of eco-efficient (environmentally sustainable and resilient; economically productive, profitable and competitive; and socially equitable and fair) AFS. (iv) Strategies developed and institutional innovation systems implemented for dissemination of improved AFS for suitable regions of Central and South America.

Involved Persons

Involved Institutions

  • Colombia: CIAT, UNIVALLE
  • Nicaragua: Consorcio para Manejo Integrado de Suelos, Catholic Relief Services, Sustainable Natural Resource Management Project
  • Paraguay: Grupo Desarrollo Agrícola, International Plant Nutrition Institut


  • MAG
  • BEAF
  • GTZ
  • GIZ-KfW

DFG FOR 1695, "Agricultural Landscapes under Global Climate Change-Processes and Feedbacks on a Regional Scale; Coupling pyrolysis with mid-infrared spectroscopy for the parameterisation of soil carbon turnover models on a regional scale"

Project Period: 2012-2019

Region: Europe

Countries: Germany

Based on the Integrated DFG Project PAK 346 (2008-2011), the DFG Research Unit 1695 with its ten subprojects is investigating the effects of global climate change on structure and functions of agricultural landscapes on a regional scale. It is the joint objective of the working groups from Hohenheim, Munich and Giessen to improve process understanding and knowledge of feedbacks between land surface and atmosphere by combining integrated modelling with hitherto unequalled spatial resolution, intensive field measurements and controlled experiments. This will enable us to elaborate projections of landscape development and potential adaptation strategies until 2030. For this purpose, high-resolution climate, land use, and crop growth models will be coupled with socio-economic models forming an advanced land system model. By means of specific sensor systems and remote sensing techniques, data on energy and matter fluxes between the soil-plant system and the atmosphere will be collected in the two study regions Kraichgau and Central Swabian Alb in Southwest Germany. Crops will be exposed to future CO2 and climate conditions in climatic chambers in order to assess the effects on crop yield and yield quality. Data obtained from field measurements and climatic chamber experiments as well as from socio-economic investigations in the study regions will serve for improving model components and for the validation of the novel land system model.

After positive evaluation by DFG, the second funding period starts in February 2015. The Research Unit now consists of eight subprojects. The second phase will terminate in September 2018.

Involved Persons

Involved Institutions

  • University of Stuttgart
  • Leibniz University Hannover
  • Humboldt-University Berlin


  • DFG

FOR 1695/ Structure and Functions of Agricultural Landscapes under Global Climate Change - Processes and Feedbacks on a Regional Scale (Regional Climate Change)

Project Period: 2008-2011

Region: Europe

Countries: Germany

The Integrated DFG Project ‘Regional Climate Change’ consists of eight subprojects bringing together researchers from Hohenheim and Munich. It aims at clearing up the effects of global climate change on structure and functions of agricultural landscapes on a regional scale. Projections of their development will be made for the period until 2030, taking into consideration different socio-economic scenarios and adaptation processes. In order to meet this joint objective it will be essential to integrate regional climate, land surface, and crop models as well as multi-agent systems into a land system model and to improve the structure and parameterisation of various components. Field measurements and controlled exposure experiments will be conducted in order to improve various model components and their parameterisation and to validate individual models and the coupled model system. Our investigations will be exemplified for two study areas in Southwest Germany: 1) an intensively used agricultural landscape (Kraichgau), characterised by mild climate and moderate precipitation, and 2) an extensively used agricultural landscape (Mittlere Schwäbische Alb), which shows higher precipitation because of orographic effects and lower mean temperatures as a consequence of its altitude. Results and conclusions obtained for these two study regions will be exemplary for extended agricultural landscapes in Germany and Central Europe.


Involved persons

Involved institutions


BioTip "Safe operating space in mountainous regions of SE Asia: Identification and management of critical thresholds in land-use intensification and biodiversity (SOS-Uplands)"

Project Period: 2017-2018

Region: Asia

Countries: Thailand (Province Nan)

Involved persons

  • Dr. Thomas Hilger

Involved institutions

  • Naresuan University, Thailand
  • Kasetsart University, Thailand
  • Land Development Dept. (LDD), Thailand
  • Humboldt University Berlin



Ellrichshausen-Stiftung, "Underutilized or unprotected? New methods for analyzing diverging perspectives on the large-scale conversion of tropical grassland eco-systems"

Project Period: 2016-2018

Region: Africa

Countries: Kenya, Ethiopia

Involved persons

Involved institutions

  • Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation (KALRO)
  • Egerton University, Kenya
  • Humboldt University Berlin


  • Ellrichshausen-Stiftung

Beans with Benefits "Integrating improved mungbean as a catch crop into the dryland systems of South and Central Asia for increased smallholder farmer income and more sustainable production systems"

Project Period: 2015-2018

Region: Asia

Countries: Uzbekistan, Pakistan


Involved persons

  • Prof. Dr. Georg Cadisch
  • Dr. Thomas Hilger
  • Ms. Sc. Lisa Pataczek

Involved institutions

  • AVRDC 8211; The World Vegetable Center, Taiwan
  • Uzbek Research Institute of Plant Industry, Uzbekistan
  • Crop Sciences Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre, Pakistan
  • University of Agriculture, Faisalbad, Pakistan



HealthyLand: Crops for Healthy Diets: Linking Agriculture and Nutrition

Project Period: 2015-2018

Region: East Africa

Countries: Kenya, Uganda, Malawi

Crops for Healthy Diets: Linking Agriculture and Nutrition (HealthyLAND) — ZEU (


Involved persons

  • Prof. Dr. Georg Cadisch
  • Dr. Thomas Hilger
  • MSc. Sahrah Fischer

Involved institutions

  • Makere University Kampala, Uganda
  • Egerton University, Nakuru, Kenya
  • Lilongwe University of Agriculture & Natural Ressources, Malawi
  • Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, Germany
