Prof. Dr. Frank Rasche







Peer-reviewed Publications

Title Authors In: Year Type
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi-based bioremediation of mercury: insights from zinc and cadmium transporter studies Guo, Y.; Martin, K.; Hrynkiewicz, K.; Rasche, F. International journal of environmental science and technology, 21 (3475–3488). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2024 Journal Article
Determining the footprint of breeding in the seed microbiome of a perennial cereal Michl, Kristina; David, Christophe; Dumont, Benjamin; Mårtensson, Linda-Maria Dimitrova; Rasche, Frank; Berg, Gabriele; Cernava, Tomislav Environmental microbiome, 19 (1–12). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2024 Journal Article
Inhibitory activity of bacterial lipopeptides against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Strigae Assena, Mekuria Wolde; Pfannstiel, Jens; Rasche, Frank BMC microbiology, 24 (227). Place: London Publisher: BioMed Central 2024 Journal Article
How feedback loops between meso- and macrofauna and organic residues contrasting in chemical quality determine decomposition dynamics in soils Sanghaw, Ratikorn; Vityakon, Patma; Rasche, Frank Heliyon, 9 (1–18). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2023 Journal Article
Iron necessity for chlamydospore germination in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense TR4 Were, Evans; Viljoen, Altus; Rasche, Frank BioMetals, 36 (1295–1306). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2023 Journal Article
Rhizophagus irregularis improves Hg tolerance of Medicago truncatula by upregulating the Zn transporter genes ZIP2 and ZIP6 Guo, Yaqin; Sommer, Nadine; Martin, Konrad; Rasche, Frank Mycorrhiza, 33 (23–32). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2023 Journal Article
Root exudate fingerprint of Brachiaria humidicola reveals vanillin as a novel and effective nitrification inhibitor Egenolf, Konrad; Schöne, Jochen; Conrad, Jürgen; Braunberger, Christina; Beifuß, Uwe; Arango, Jacobo; Rasche, Frank Frontiers in molecular biosciences, 10 (1–8). Place: Lausanne Publisher: Frontiers Media 2023 Journal Article
Temporal soil carbon and nitrogen accumulation after land use change from paddy rice to upland sugarcane cropping in Thailand Phiwdaeng, Neeranuch; Kaewpradit, Wanwipa; Blagodatsky, Sergey; Rasche, Frank Geoderma regional : the international journal for regional soil research, 33 (e00656). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2023 Journal Article
De novo synthesis of ferrichrome by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense TR4 in response to iron starvation Were, Evans; Schöne, Jochen; Viljoen, Altus; Rasche, Frank Fungal biology, 126 (521–527). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2022 Journal Article
Diacetoxyscirpenol, a Fusarium exometabolite, prevents efficiently the incidence of the parasitic weed Striga hermonthica Oyifioda Anteyi, Williams; Klaiber, Iris; Rasche, Frank BMC plant biology, 22 (1–15). Place: London Publisher: BioMed Central 2022 Journal Article
Genetic diversity and community composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with root and rhizosphere soil of the pioneer plant Pueraria phaseoloides Guo, Yaqin; Bei, Qicheng; Dzomeku, Beloved Mensah; Martin, Konrad; Rasche, Frank iMeta, 1 (1–12). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2022 Journal Article
Optimizing maize-bean cropping systems for sustainable intensification in southern Ethiopia Yimer, Tigist; Abera, Girma; Beyene, Sheleme; Rasche, Frank Agronomy journal, 114 (3283–3296). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2022 Journal Article
Phenolics mediate suppression of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense TR4 by legume root exudates Were, Evans; Schöne, Jochen; Viljoen, Altus; Rasche, Frank Rhizosphere, 21 (1–10) 2022 Journal Article
Agro-ecology, resource endowment and indigenous knowledge interactions modulate soil fertility in mixed farming systems in Central and Western Ethiopia Agumas, Birhanu; Balume, Isaac; Musyoki, Mary K.; Benz, Martin; Nziguheba, Generose; Marohn, Carsten; Vanlauwe, Bernard; Cadisch, Georg; Rasche, Frank Soil use and management, 37 (367–376). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2021 Journal Article
Market access and resource endowment define the soil fertility status of smallholder farming systems of South‐Kivu, DR Congo Agumas, Birhanu; Musyoki, Mary; Nziguheba, Generose; Marohn, Carsten; Benz, Martin; Vanlauwe, Bernard; Cadisch, Georg; Rasche, Frank; Balume, Isaac Soil use and management, 37 (353–366). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2021 Journal Article
Rhizosphere pH and cation‐anion balance determine the exudation of nitrification inhibitor 3‐epi‐brachialactone suggesting release via secondary transport Egenolf, Konrad; Verma, Supriya; Schöne, Jochen; Klaiber, Iris; Arango, Jacobo; Cadisch, Georg; Neumann, Günter; Rasche, Frank Physiologia plantarum, 172 (116–123). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2021 Journal Article
Brachialactone isomers and derivatives of Brachiaria humidicola reveal contrasting nitrification inhibiting activity Egenolf, Konrad; Conrad, Jürgen; Schöne, Jochen; Braunberger, Christina; Beifuß, Uwe; Walker, Frank; Nuñez, Jonathan; Arango, Jacobo; Karwat, Hannes; Cadisch, Georg; Neumann, Günter; Rasche, Frank Plant physiology and biochemistry, 154 (491–497). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2020 Journal Article
Eucalyptus biochar application enhances Ca uptake of upland rice, soil available P, exchangeable K, yield, and N use efficiency of sugarcane in a crop rotation system Butphu, Sucharat; Rasche, Frank; Cadisch, Georg; Kaewpradit, Wanwipa Journal of plant nutrition and soil science, 183 (S. 58–68). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2020 Journal Article
Population genetic structure and marker‐trait associations in East and West African Striga hermonthica with varying phenotypic response to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. strigae isolates Foxy‐2 and FK3 Anteyi, williams; Rasche, Frank The plant journal, 104 (391–402). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2020 Journal Article
Nitrate reductase activity in leaves as a plant physiological indicator of in vivo biological nitrification inhibition by Brachiaria humidicola Karwat, Hannes; Sparke, Marc-André; Rasche, Frank; Arango, Jacobo; Nuñez, Jonathan; Rao, Idupulapati; Moreta, Danilo; Cadisch, Georg Plant physiology and biochemistry, 137 (113–120). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2019 Journal Article
Controls on microbially regulated soil organic carbon decomposition at the regional scale Ali, R. S.; Kandeler, E.; Marhan, S.; Demyan, M. S.; Ingwersen, J.; Mirzaeitalarposhti, R.; Rasche, F.; Cadisch, G.; Poll, C. Soil biology & biochemistry, 118 (59–68). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2018 Journal Article
Perspectives of Microbial Inoculation for Sustainable Development and Environmental Management Management Maqshoof, Ahmad; Pataczek, Lisa; Hilger, Thomas H.; Zahir Ahmad, Zahir; Hussain, Azhar; Rasche, Frank; Schafleitner, Roland; Solberg, Svein Ø. Frontiers in microbiology, 9 (2992) (1–26). Place: Lausanne Publisher: Frontiers Media 2018 Journal Article
Biocontrol agent Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. strigae has no adverse effect on indigenous total fungal communities and specific AMF taxa in contrasting maize rhizospheres Zimmermann, J.; Musyoki, M. K.; Cadisch, G.; Rasche, F. Fungal ecology, 23 (1–10). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2016 Journal Article
Compound-specific δ 13 C isotopes and Bayesian inference for erosion estimates under different land use in Vietnam Brandt, C.; Cadisch, G.; Nguyen, L. T.; Vien, T. D.; Rasche, F. Geoderma regional : the international journal for regional soil research, 7 (311–322). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2016 Journal Article
Dynamics of bacterial and archaeal amoA gene abundance after additions of organic inputs with mineral nitrogen to an agricultural soil Muema, E. K.; Cadisch, G.; Musyoki, M. K.; Rasche, F. Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems, 104 (143–158). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2016 Journal Article
Overcoming carbonate interference on labile soil organic matter peaks for midDRIFTS analysis Mirzaeitalarposhti, R.; Demyan, M. S.; Rasche, F.; Cadisch, G.; Müller, T. Soil biology & biochemistry, 99 (150–157). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2016 Journal Article
Soil texture modulates the response of ammonia-oxidizing prokaryotes to biochemical quality of organic inputs in tropical agricultural soils Muema, E.; Cadisch, G.; Rasche, F. Soil biology & biochemistry, 100 (218–228). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2016 Journal Article
MidDRIFTS-PLSR-based quantification of physico-chemical soil properties across two agroecological zones in Southwest Germany: generic independent validation surpasses region specific cross-validation Mirzaeitalarposhti, R.; Demyan, M. S.; Rasche, F.; Poltoradnev, M.; Cadisch, G.; Müller, T. Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems, 102 (265–283). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2015 Journal Article
Calibration of CO2 trapping in alkaline solutions during soil incubation at varying temperatures using a Respicond VI Smirnova, N.; Demyan, S.; Rasche, F.; Cadisch, G.; Müller, T. Open journal of soil science, 4 (161–167). Place: Irvine, Ca Publisher: Scientific Research Publishing 2014 Journal Article
Lasting influence of biochemically contrasting organic inputs on abundance and community structure of total and proteolytic bacteria in tropical soils Rasche, F.; Musyoki, M.; Röhl, C.; Muema, E. K.; Vanlauwe, B.; Cadisch, G. Soil biology & biochemistry, 74 (204–213). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2014 Journal Article
Mechanisms controlling soil organic carbon composition pertaining to microbial decomposition of biochemically contrasting organic residues: Evidence from midDRIFTS peak area analysis Kunlanit, B.; Vityakon, P.; Puttaso, A.; Cadisch, G.; Rasche, F. Soil biology & biochemistry, 76 (100–108). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2014 Journal Article
Combining a coupled FTIR-EGA system and in situ DRIFTS for studying soil organic matter in arable soils Demyan, M. S.; Rasche, F.; Schütt, M.; Smirnova, N.; Schulz, E.; Cadisch, G. Biogeosciences, 10 (2897–2913). Place: Göttingen Publisher: Copernicus Publications 2013 Journal Article
Does organic residue quality influence carbon retention in a tropical sandy soil? Puttaso, A.; Vityakon, P.; Rasche, F.; Saenjan, P.; Trelo-ges, V.; Cadisch, G. Soil Science Society of America journal, 77 (1001–1011). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2013 Journal Article
midDRIFTS-based partial least square regression analysis allows predicting microbial biomass, enzyme activities and 16S rRNA gene abundance in soils of temperate grasslands Rasche, F.; Marhan, S.; Berner, D.; Keil, D.; Kandeler, E.; Cadisch, G. Soil biology & biochemistry, 57 (504–512). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2013 Journal Article
Use of specific peaks obtained by diffuse reflectance Fourier transform mid-infrared spectroscopy to study the composition of organic matter in a Haplic Chernozem Demyan, M. S.; Rasche, F.; Schulz, E.; Breulmann, M.; Müller, T.; Cadisch, G. European journal of soil biology, 63 (189–199). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2012 Journal Article
Assessing the effect of organic residue quality on active decomposing fungi in a tropical Vertisol using 15N-DNA stable isotope probing España, M.; Rasche, F.; Kandeler, E.; Brune, T.; Rodriguez, B.; Bending, G. D.; Cadisch, G. Fungal ecology, 4 (115–119). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2011 Journal Article
Generic prediction of soil organic carbon in Alfisols using diffuse reflectance Fourier transformed mid-infrared spectroscopy Kamau-Rewe, M.; Rasche, F.; Cobo, J. G.; Dercon, G.; Shepherd, K.; Cadisch, G. Soil Science Society of America journal, 75 (2358–2360). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2011 Journal Article
Identification of active bacteria involved in decomposition of complex maize and soybean residues in a tropical Vertisol using 15N-DNA stable isotope probing España, M.; Rasche, F.; Kandeler, E.; Brune, T.; Rodriguez, B.; Bending, G. D.; Cadisch, G. Pedobiologia, 54 (187–193). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2011 Journal Article
DNA-based stable isotope probing enables the identification of active bacterial endophytes in potatoes Rasche, F.; Lueders, T.; Schloter, M.; Schaefer, S.; Buegger, F.; Gattinger, A.; Hood-Nowotny, R. C.; Sessitsch, A. The new phytologist, 181 (802–807). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2009 Journal Article
Nitrogen fixation by phyllosphere bacteria associated with higher plants and their colonizing epiphytes of a tropical lowland rainforest of Costa Rica Fürnkranz, M.; Wanek, W.; Richter, A.; Abell, G.; Rasche, F.; Sessitsch, A. The ISME journal, 2 (561–570). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2008 Journal Article
Chilling and cultivar type affect the diversity of bacterial endophytes colonizing sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Rasche, F.; Trondl, R.; Naglreiter, C.; Reichenauer, T.; Sessitsch, A. Canadian journal of microbiology, 52 (1036–1045.). Place: Ottawa Publisher: NRC Research Press 2006 Journal Article

Other Publications

Title Authors In: Year Type
Different quality classes of decomposing plant residues influence dissolved organic matter stoichiometry which results in different soil microbial processing Poosathit, Ratanaporn; Kunlanit, Benjapon; Rasche, Frank; Vityakon, Patma Soil systems, 8 (1–17). Place: Basel Publisher: MDPI 2024 Journal Article
Phosphate‑solubilizing Bacillus sp. modulate soil exoenzyme activities and improve wheat growth Iqbal, Zafar; Ahmad, Maqshoof; Raza, Muhammad Ali; Hilger, Thomas; Rasche, Frank Microbial ecology, 87 (1–13). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2024 Journal Article
Back to the roots: understanding banana below-ground interactions is crucial for effective management of Fusarium wilt Were, Evans; Viljoen, Altus; Rasche, Frank Plant pathology, 72 (19–38). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2023 Journal Article
Bacterial secondary metabolites: possible mechanism for weed suppression in wheat Dar, Abubakar; Were, Evans; Hilger, Thomas; Zahir, Zahir Ahmad; Ahmad, Maqshoof; Hussain, Azhar; Rasche, Frank Canadian journal of microbiology, 69 (103–116). Place: Ottawa Publisher: NRC Research Press 2023 Journal Article
A collaborative, systems approach for the development of biomass-based value webs: the case of the acrocomia palm Vargas-Carpintero, Ricardo; Hilger, Thomas; Tiede, Karen; Callenius, Carolin; Mössinger, Johannes; Fraga Souza, Roney; Barroso Armas, Juan Carlos; Rasche, Frank; Lewandowski, Iris Land, 11 (1–31). Place: Basel Publisher: MDPI 2022 Journal Article
Inoculation of cellulolytic and ligninolytic microorganisms accelerates decomposition of high C/N and cellulose rich sugarcane straw in tropical sandy soils Phukongchai, Wimon; Kaewpradit, Wanwipa; Rasche, Frank Applied soil ecology, 172 (104355). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2022 Journal Article
Legume root-exuded phenolics inhibit development and phytotoxin biosynthesis in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense TR4 Were, Evans; Schöne, Jochen; Viljoen, Altus; Rasche, Frank Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future : Tropentag 2021 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 69–69, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
Perennial cereal grain cultivation: implication on soil organic matter and related soil microbial parameters Audu, V.; Rasche, F.; Dimitrova Mårtensson, L.-M.; Emmerling, C. Applied soil ecology, 174 (104414). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2022 Journal Article
Potential proteolytic enzyme activities modulate archaeal and bacterial nitrifier abundance in soils differing in acidity and organic residue treatment Balume, Isaac; Agumas, Birhanu; Musyoki, Mary; Marhan, Sven; Cadisch, Georg; Rasche, Frank Applied soil ecology, 169 (1–8). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2022 Journal Article
Role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Rhizophagus irregularis) on mercury tolerance of Medicago truncatula in relation to mercury and zinc concentration Guo, Yaqin; Sommer, Nadine; Martin, Konrad; Rasche, Frank Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers’ and academia’s views : Tropentag 2022 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 74–74, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2022 Conference Paper
Soil bacteria respond to regional edapho-climatic conditions while soil fungi respond to management intensity in grasslands along a European transect Barreiro, A.; Fox, A.; Jongen, M.; Melo, J.; Musyoki, M.; Vieira, A.; Zimmermann, J.; Carlsson, G.; Cruz, C.; Lüscher, A.; Rasche, F.; Silva, L.; Widmer, F.; Dimitrova Mårtensson, L. M. Applied soil ecology, 170 (1–12). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2022 Journal Article
Bioaccumulation and potential ecotoxicological effects of trace metals along a management intensity gradient in volcanic pasturelands Parelho, Carolina; Rodrigues, Armindo; Barreto, Maria do Carmo; Cruz, J. Virgílio; Rasche, Frank; Silva, Luís; Garcia, Patrícia Chemosphere, 273 (128601). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2021 Journal Article
Inter-microbial competition for N and plant NO3-uptake rather than BNI determines soil net nitrification under intensively managed Brachiaria humidicola Egenolf, Konrad; Schad, Philipp; Arevalo, Ashly; Villegas, Daniel; Arango, Jacobo; Karwat, Hannes; Cadisch, Georg; Rasche, Frank Biology and fertility of soils, 58 (307–319). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2021 Journal Article
Microbial carbon use efficiency during plant residue decomposition: integrating multi-enzyme stoichiometry and C balance approach Agumas, Birhanu; Blagodatskiy, Sergey; Balume, Isaac; Musyoki, Mary; Marhan, Sven; Rasche, Frank Applied soil ecology, 159 (103820). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2021 Journal Article
Role and in vivo localization of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. strigae and Bacillus subtilis in an integrated Striga hermonthica biocontrol system Anteyi, Williams O.; Rasche, Frank PhytoFrontiers, 1 (51–61). Place: St. Paul, MN Publisher: The American Phytopathological Society 2021 Journal Article
Extensive grassland management promotes greater above- and belowground community richness in two contrasting agroclimatic regions in Switzerland Fox, A.; Widmer, F.; Muller, R.; Barreiro, A.; Dimitrova Mårtensson, L-M.; Silva, L.; Vieira, Â.F.; Musyoki, M.; Zimmermann, J.; Rasche, F.; Lüscher, A. Meeting the future demands for grassland production : proceedings of the 28th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Helsinki, Finland, 19-22 October 2020. 415–417, Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, Grassland science in Europe. Issue: 25 2020 Conference Paper
Possible phosphate solubilisation mechanism and growth promotion of wheat through Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus subtilis Iqbal, Zafar; Rasche, Frank; Ahmad, Maqshoof; Hilger, Thomas Food and nutrition security and its resilience to global crises : Tropentag 2020 : international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development : book of abstracts. 81–81, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2020 Conference Paper
Tripartite interaction between Striga spp., cereals, and plant root-associated microorganisms: a review Mounde, Lenard G.; Anteyi, Williams O.; Rasche, Frank CAB reviews : perspectives in agriculture, veterinary science, nutrition and natural resources, 15 (1–17). Place: Wallingford Publisher: CAB International 2020 Journal Article
Vertical dynamics of dissolved organic carbon in relation toorganic input quality and microaggregate formation in a coarse-textured Ultisol Kunlanit, Benjapon; Rasche, Frank; Puttaso, Aunnop; Cadisch, Georg; Vityakon, Patma European journal of soil science, 71 (459–471). Place: Hoboken, NJ Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 2020 Journal Article
Agro-ecology determines farm typology effect on soil fertility variability in small holder farmers: Ethiopia Agumas, Birhanu; Nziguheba, Generose; Cadisch, Georg; Rasche, Frank Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resources management : Tropentag 2019 : International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development : book of abstracts. 154–154, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2019 Conference Paper
Allelopathic Pseudomonas consortium: a sustainable weed control approach in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Dar, Abubakar; Zahir, Zahir Ahmad; Asghar, Hafiz Naeem; Ahmad, Rashid; Hilger, Thomas; Rasche, Frank Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resources management : Tropentag 2019 : International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development : book of abstracts. 70–70, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2019 Conference Paper
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in phytoremediation of mercury polluted soils in Ghana and Burkina Faso Blagodatsky, Sergey; Ehret, Miriam; Rasche, Frank; Hutter, Imke; Birner, Regina; Dzomeku, Beloved M.; Neya, Oblé; Cadisch, Georg; Wünsche, Jens Norbert Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resources management : Tropentag 2019 : International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development : book of abstracts. 531–531, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2019 Conference Paper
K-strategic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria capitalize on biological nitrogen fixation in a flooded, unfertilized rice soil Bei, Qicheng; Xie, Zubin; Cadisch, Georg; Rasche, Frank Biology and fertility of soils, 55 (S. 713–722). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2019 Journal Article
Linking above- and belowground diversity: plants and microbes as indicators of grassland management intensity Silva, L.; Fox, A.; Lüscher, A.; Barreiro, A.; Vieira, A.; Parelho, C.; Cruz, C.; Melo, J.; Musyoki, Mary; Zimmermann, J.; Rasche, F.; Widmer, F. Improving sown grasslands through breeding and management : Proceedings of the Joint 20 th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation and the 33rd Meeting of the EUCARPIA Section ‘Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses’ Zürich, Switzerland 24-27 June 2019. 468 –468, Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, Grassland science in Europe. Issue: 24 2019 Conference Paper
Nitrogen dynamics from seasonal and perennial legume residues in Mushinga South-Kivu Eastern, DR Congo Balume, Isaac; Marhan, Sven; Rasche, Frank Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resources management : Tropentag 2019 : International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development : book of abstracts. 164–164, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2019 Conference Paper
Reflections on stakeholder engagement in basic research on soil microbial communities in production grasslands Weizenegger, Sabine; Rasche, Frank; Dimitrova Mårtensson, L. M. Improving sown grasslands through breeding and management : Proceedings of the Joint 20 th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation and the 33rd Meeting of the EUCARPIA Section ‘Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses’ Zürich, Switzerland 24-27 June 2019. 542 –542, Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, Grassland science in Europe. Issue: 24 2019 Conference Paper
Residue quality and agro-ecological effect of microbial prokaryotes abundance in agricultural soils: Ethiopia and DRC Asare-Bediako, Claudia Afua; Balume, Isaac; Agumas, Birhanu; Musyoki, Mary; Rasche, Frank Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resources management : Tropentag 2019 : International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development : book of abstracts. 165–165, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag 2019 Conference Paper
Soil enzyme activities as driven by contrasting agro-ecologies and management practices in grasslands across Europe Musyoki, Mary; Melo, J.; Zimmermann, J.; Guo, Y.; Jongen, M.; Cruz, C.; Fox, A.; Lüscher, A.; Widmer, F.; Barreiro, A.; Silva, L.; Vieira, A.; Parelho, C.; Rasche, F. Improving sown grasslands through breeding and management : Proceedings of the Joint 20 th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation and the 33rd Meeting of the EUCARPIA Section ‘Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses’ Zürich, Switzerland 24-27 June 2019. 467–467, Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, Grassland science in Europe. Issue: 24 2019 Conference Paper
Soil microbial biomass and community structure in differently managed grasslands along a European gradien Barreiro, A.; Fox, A.; Lüscher, A.; Widmer, F.; Vieira, A.; Parelho, C.; Silva, L.; Melo, J.; Cruz, C.; Musyoki, Mary; Zimmermann, J.; Rasche, F.; Dimitrova Mårtensson, L.M. Improving sown grasslands through breeding and management : Proceedings of the Joint 20 th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation and the 33rd Meeting of the EUCARPIA Section ‘Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses’ Zürich, Switzerland 24-27 June 2019. 464 –464, Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, Grassland science in Europe. Issue: 24 2019 Conference Paper
The distribution of bacterial operational taxonomic units in European grasslands Fox, A.; Lüscher, A.; Barreiro, A.; Silva, L.; Vieira, A.F.; Parelho, C.; Cruz, C.; Melo, J.; Musyoki, Mary; Zimmermann, J.; Rasche, F.; Widmer, F. Improving sown grasslands through breeding and management : Proceedings of the Joint 20 th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation and the 33rd Meeting of the EUCARPIA Section ‘Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses’ Zürich, Switzerland 24-27 June 2019. 466–466, Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, Grassland science in Europe. Issue: 24 2019 Conference Paper
Mid-infrared spectroscopy to support regional-scale digital soil mapping on selected croplands of South-West Germany Mirzaeitalarposhti, R.; Demyan, M. S.; Rasche, F.; Cadisch, G.; Müller, T. Catena, 149 (283–293). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2017 Journal Article
Soil properties, seasonality and crop growth stage exert a stronger effect on rhizosphere prokaryotes than the fungal biocontrol agent Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. strigae Musyoki, M. K.; Cadisch, G.; Zimmermann, J.; Wainwright, H.; Beed, F.; Rasche, F. Applied soil ecology, 105 (126–136). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2016 Journal Article
Promoting effect of Fusarium oxysporum [f.sp. strigae] on abundance of nitrifying prokaryotes in a maize rhizosphere across soil types Musyoki, M. K.; Cadisch, G.; Enowashu, E.; Zimmermann, J.; Muema, E.; Beed, F.; Rasche, F. Biological control, 83 (37–45). Place: Cambridge, MA Publisher: Academic Press 2015 Journal Article
Response of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea to biochemical quality of organic inputs combined with mineral nitrogen fertilizer in an arable soil Muema, E. K.; Cadisch, G.; Röhl, C.; Vanlauwe, B.; Rasche, F. Applied soil ecology, 95 (128–139). Place: Amsterdam Publisher: Elsevier 2015 Journal Article
Response of the abundance of nitrifying prokaryotes to Fusarium f.sp. strigae in a maize rhizosphere Musyoki, M. K.; Cadisch, G.; Enowashu, E.; Zimmermann, J.; Muema, E. K.; Wainwright, H.; Vanlauwe, B.; Rasche, F. Bridging the gap between increasing knowledge and decreasing resources : Tropentag 2014 : International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development : book of abstracts. 131–131, Witzenhausen: Deutsches Institut für tropische und subtropische Landwirtschaft (DITSL), Witzenhausen: Deutsches Institut für tropische und subtropische Landwirtschaft (DITSL) 2014 Conference Paper
Stimulative effect of the fungal biocontrol agent Fusarium oxypsorum f.sp. strigae on nitrifying prokaryotes in a maize rhizosphere Musyoki, M. K.; Cadisch, G.; Enowashu, E.; Zimmermann, J.; Muema, E.; Wainwright, H.; Vanlauwe, B.; Rasche, F. 2014 Document
Total and nitrogen cycling prokaryotes as influenced by biochemical quality of organic inputs and mineral nitrogen fertilizer Muema, E. K.; Cadisch, G.; Vanlauwe, B.; Rasche, F. 2014 Document
Soil fungal communities and enzyme activities in a sandy, highly weathered tropical soil treated with biochemically contrasting organic inputs Kamolmanit, B.; Vityakon, P.; Kaewpradit, W.; Cadisch, G.; Rasche, F. Biology and fertility of soils, 49 (905–917). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2013 Journal Article
The molecular microbial perspective of organic matter turnover and nutrient cycling in tropical agro-ecosystems - What do we know? Rasche, F.; Cadisch, G. Biology and fertility of soils, 49 (251–262). Place: Berlin Publisher: Springer Nature 2013 Journal Article

Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte


Projektlaufzeit: 2021-2024

Region: Europa

Länder: Schweden, Belgien, Frankreich, Österreich, Polen, Rumänien


Naturnaher mehrjähriger Getreideanbau als Modell zur Sicherung der funktionalen Biodiversität für eine zukunftsfähige Landwirtschaft.


Beteiligte Personen


  • DFG, H2020 ERA-Net cofund scheme "BiodivERsA3"



Abgeschlossene Forschungsprojekte

Green Revolution 2.0

Laufzeit: 2020-21

Region: South Asia

Länder: Pakistan

Beteiligte Personen

Beteiligte Einrichtungen

  • Liège University, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Gembloux (Belgium)



Mercury-AMF: Phytoremediation of mercury contaminated mining sites in Ghana and Burkina Faso with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.

Subproject 1: Genetic characterization of potential AMF candidates in Ghana and Burkina Faso; Subproject 3: Evaluation of AMF plant systems in Burkina Faso.

Laufzeit:  2019-2022

Region: Africa

Länder: Uganda, Kenya

Beteiligte Personen

  • Dr. Thomas Hilger
  • Carolin Callenius (GFE)

Beteiligte Einrichtungen

  • Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun (Poland)
  • World Agroforestry Centre , Naitobi, Kenya



Organic resource and mineral nitrogen driven microbial community dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems with focus on microbially regulated soil nitrogen cycling

Project Period:  2011-2020

Region: Asia, Africa, Europe

Countries: China, Italy, Kenya, Portugal, Thailand

Involved Persons

Involved Institutions

  • Khon Kaen University (Thailand)
  • University of Lisbon (Portugal)
  • Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • IITA
  • University of Torino (Italy)


  • DAAD

COSCA: agro-ecological opportunities and tailor-made value chain schemes to develop a sustainable cocoa sector in South and Central America

Project Period:  2018-2019

Region: Latin America

Countries: Belgium, Colombia, The Netherlands, USA

Involved Persons

Involved Institutions

  • KU Leuven
  • Penn State
  • CIAT


  • BMBF

HypoWave: household wastewater reuse for resource-efficient hydroponic crop production

Project Period: 2016-2019

Region: Europe

Countries: Germany

Involved Persons

Involved Institutions

  • TU Braunschweig
  • ISOE – Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung, das Fraunhofer-Institut für Grenzflächen- und Bioverfahrenstechnik (IGB, das Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI)
  • der Abwasserverband Braunschweig
  • die Wolfsburger Entwässerungsbetriebe (WEB)
  • ACS-Umwelttechnik
  • aquadrat ingenieure (a2i)
  • aquatectura, aquatune – Dr. Gebhardt & Co., BIOTEC Biologische Naturverpackungen


  • BMBF

Effect of banana root exudates on Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense and indigenous rhizosphere microorganisms

Project Period: 2018

Region: Southern Africa

Countries: South Africa

Involved Persons

Involved Institutions

  • Stellenbosch University


  • DFG under the TWAS Cooperation Visits Programme

IITA ‘Achieving sustainable Striga control for poor farmers in Africa’. Biocontrol using Fusarium oxysporum sp strigaea’

Project Period: 2011 - 2014

Region: Africa

Countries: Nigeria, Kenya


Involved Persons

  • PD Dr. Frank Rasche
  • Dr. sc. agr. Mary Musyoki
  • Dr. sc. agr. Judith Zimmermann
  • Prof. Dr. Georg Cadisch

Involved Institutions

  • IITA Nigeria
  • KMU Kenya


  • Bill+Melinda Gates Foundation