Tropical Agronomy
Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Applied Entomology
Council for Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural Research (ATSAF)
Email: juergen.kroschel@uni-hohenheim.de
Phone: +49 (0) 177 / 1413137
Peer-reviewed Publications
Title | In: | Authors | Type | Year |
A temperature-dependent phenology model for Apanteles subandinus Blanchard, parasitoid of Phthorimaea operculella Zeller and Symmetrischema tangolias (Gyen) | Journal of Applied Entomology; 146(4), 424-439; John Wiley and Sons Inc | Verónica Cañedo, Waldo Dávila, Pablo Carhuapoma, Jürgen Kroschel, Jan Kreuze | Journal article | 2022 |
Serological survey and metagenomic discovery of potato viruses in Rwanda and Burundi reveals absence of PVY in Burundi and first report of TRV in potatoes in sub-Saharan Africa | Virus Research; 302; Elsevier B.V. | Okonya J.S., Gamarra H., Nduwayezu A., Bararyenya A., Kroschel J., Kreuze J. | Journal article | 2021 |
Global Cropland Connectivity: A Risk Factor for Invasion and Saturation by Emerging Pathogens and Pests | BioScience; 70(9), 744-758; Oxford University Press | Xing Y., Hernandez Nopsa J.F., Andersen K.F., Andrade-Piedra J.L., Beed F.D., Blomme G., Carvajal-Yepes M., Coyne D.L., Cuellar W.J., Forbes G.A., Kreuze J.F., Kroschel J., Kumar P.L., Legg J.P., Parker M., Schulte-Geldermann E., Sharma K., Garrett K.A. | Review | 2020 |
A temperature-dependent phenology model for the greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) | Virus Research; 289; Elsevier B.V. | Gamarra H., Sporleder M., Carhuapoma P., Kroschel J., Kreuze J. | Journal article | 2020 |
Ecological, economic, and environmental assessments of integrated pest management in potato: A case study from the Cañete Valley, Peru | Food and Energy Security; 8(1); Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Mujica N., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2019 |
Pesticide use practices in root, tuber, and banana crops by smallholder farmers in Rwanda and Burundi | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 16(3); MDPI AG | Okonya J.S., Petsakos A., Suarez V., Nduwayezu A., Kantungeko D., Blomme G., Legg J.P., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2019 |
The potential of novel African isolates of Phthorimaea operculella granulovirus for the control of Tuta absoluta | Journal of Applied Entomology; 143(44958), 11-20; Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Ben Tiba S., Larem A., Laarif A., Fritsch E., Undorf-Spahn K., Abuelgasim Mohamed S., Ekesi S., Wennmann J.T., Kroschel J., Fattouch S., Jehle J.A. | Journal article | 2019 |
The role of women in production and management of RTB crops in Rwanda and Burundi: Do men decide, and women work? | Sustainability (Switzerland); 11(16); MDPI | Okonya J.S., Mudege N.N., Rietveld A.M., Nduwayezu A., Kantungeko D., Hakizimana B.M., Nyaga J.N., Blomme G., Legg J.P., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2019 |
Farmer reported pest and disease impacts on root, tuber, and banana crops and livelihoods in Rwanda and Burundi | Sustainability (Switzerland); 11(6); MDPI | Okonya J.S., Ocimati W., Nduwayezu A., Kantungeko D., Niko N., Blomme G., Legg J.P., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2019 |
Impact of climate change on the potato crop and biodiversity in its center of origin | Open Agriculture; 3(1), 273-283; De Gruyter Open Ltd | Quiroz R., Ramírez D.A., Kroschel J., Andrade-Piedra J., Barreda C., Condori B., Mares V., Monneveux P., Perez W. | Review | 2018 |
Developing a biocontrol strategy to protect stored potato tubers from infestation with potato tuber moth species in the Andean region | Journal of Applied Entomology; 142(44958), 78-88; Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Schaub B., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2018 |
The invasive liriomyza huidobrensis (Diptera: Agromyzidae): Understanding its pest status and management globally | Journal of Insect Science; 17(1); Library of the University of Arizona | Weintraub P.G., Scheffer S.J., Visser D., Valladares G., Correa A.S., Shepard B.M., Rauf A., Murphy S.T., Mujica N., MacVean C., Kroschel J., Kishinevsky M., Joshi R.C., Johansen N.S., Hallett R.H., Civelek H.S., Chen B., Metzler H.B. | Review | 2017 |
Temperature-dependent phenology and growth potential of the Andean potato tuber moth, Symmetrischema tangolias (Gyen) (Lep., Gelechiidae) | Journal of Applied Entomology; 141(3), 202-218; Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Sporleder M., Schaub B., Aldana G., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2017 |
A Temperature-Dependent Phenology Model for Liriomyza huidobrensis (Diptera: Agromyzidae) | Journal of Economic Entomology; 110(3), 1333-1344; Oxford University Press | Mujica N., Sporleder M., Carhuapoma P., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2017 |
Roots, Tubers and Bananas: Planning and research for climate resilience | Open Agriculture; 2(1), 350-361; De Gruyter Open Ltd | Thiele G., Khan A., Heider B., Kroschel J., Harahagazwe D., Andrade M., Bonierbale M., Friedmann M., Gemenet D., Cherinet M., Quiroz R., Faye E., Dangles O. | Journal article | 2017 |
Farmers’ knowledge and perceptions of potato pests and their management in Uganda | Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics; 117(1), 87-97; Kassel University Press GmbH | Okonya J.S., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2016 |
A two-dimensional pooling approach towards efficient detection of parasitoid and pathogen DNA at low infestation rates | Methods in Ecology and Evolution; 7(12), 1548-1557; British Ecological Society | Sint D., Sporleder M., Wallinger C., Zegarra O., Oehm J., Dangi N., Giri Y.P., Kroschel J., Traugott M. | Journal article | 2016 |
A Cross-Sectional Study of Pesticide Use and Knowledge of Smallholder Potato Farmers in Uganda | BioMed Research International; 2015; Hindawi Publishing Corporation | Okonya J.S., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2015 |
Gender differences in access and use of selected productive resources among sweet potato farmers in Uganda | Agriculture and Food Security; 3(1); BioMed Central Ltd. | Okonya J.S., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2014 |
Effect of temperature on the life history parameters of noctuid lepidopteran stem borers, Busseola fusca and Sesamia calamistis | Annals of Applied Biology; 165(3), 373-386 | Khadioli N., Tonnang Z.E.H., Ong'amo G., Achia T., Kipchirchir I., Kroschel J., Le Ru B. | Journal article | 2014 |
Effect of temperature on the phenology of Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera, Crambidae); Simulation and visualization of the potential future distribution of C. partellus in Africa under warmer temperatures through the development of life-table parameters | Bulletin of Entomological Research; 104(6), 809-822; Cambridge University Press | Khadioli N., Tonnang Z.E.H., Muchugu E., Ong'Amo G., Achia T., Kipchirchir I., Kroschel J., Le Ru B. | Journal article | 2014 |
Obstacles to integrated pest management adoption in developing countries | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; 111(10), 3889-3894; National Academy of Sciences | Parsa S., Morse S., Bonifacio A., Chancellor T.C.B., Condori B., Crespo-Pérez V., Hobbs S.L.A., Kroschel J., Ba M.N., Rebaudo F., Sherwood S.G., Vanek S.J., Faye E., Herrera M.A., Dangles O. | Journal article | 2014 |
Insect pests of sweetpotato in Uganda: Farmers' perceptions of their importance and control practices | SpringerPlus; 3(1), 1-10; SpringerOpen | Okonya J.S., Mwanga R.O.M., Syndikus K., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2014 |
Erratum: Effect of temperature on the phenology of Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera, Crambidae); Simulation and visualization of the potential future distribution of C. partellus in Africa under warmer temperatures through the development of life-table parameters (Bulletin of Entomological Research (2014) DOI: 10.1017/S0007485314000601) | Bulletin of Entomological Research; 104(6), 823; Cambridge University Press | Khadioli N., Tonnang Z.E.H., Muchugu E., Ong'Amo G., Achia T., Kipchirchir I., Kroschel J., Le Ru B. | Erratum | 2014 |
The effects of climate variability and the color of weather time series on agricultural diseases and pests, and on decisions for their management | Agricultural and Forest Meteorology; 170, 216-227 | Garrett K.A., Dobson A.D.M., Kroschel J., Natarajan B., Orlandini S., Tonnang H.E.Z., Valdivia C. | Journal article | 2013 |
Predicting climate-change-caused changes in global temperature on potato tuber moth Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) distribution and abundance using phenology modeling and GIS mapping | Agricultural and Forest Meteorology; 170, 228-241 | Kroschel J., Sporleder M., Tonnang H.E.Z., Juarez H., Carhuapoma P., Gonzales J.C., Simon R. | Journal article | 2013 |
Pest intensity-crop loss relationships for the leafminer fly Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) in different potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties | Crop Protection; 47, 6-16 | Mujica N., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2013 |
Attract-and-kill as a new strategy for the management of the potato tuber moths Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) and Symmetrischema tangolias (Gyen) in potato: Evaluation of its efficacy under potato field and storage conditions | Pest Management Science; 69(11), 1205-1215 | Kroschel J., Zegarra O. | Journal article | 2013 |
Latitudinal and altitudinal distribution and relative importance of the leafminer flies Liriomyza huidobrensis and L. sativae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) in low and highland regions of Peru | Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie; 18, 297-300 | N. Mujica, J. Kroschel, C. P. W. Zebitz | Journal article | 2012 |
Diversity and distribution of parasitoids associated to Agromyzidae leafminer flies in a latitudinal gradient along the Peruvian coast | Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie; 18, 309-312 | N. Mujica, J. Kroschel, C. P. W. Zebitz | Journal article | 2012 |
Leafminer fly (Diptera: Agromyzidae) occurrence, distribution, and parasitoid associations in field and vegetable crops along the peruvian coast | Environmental Entomology; 40(2), 217-230 | Mujica N., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2011 |
Evaluation and implications of Andean potato weevil infestation sources for its management in the Andean region | Journal of Applied Entomology; 135(10), 738-748 | Rios A.A., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2011 |
Yield development and nutrient dynamics in cocoa-gliricidia agroforests of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia | Agroforestry Systems; 78(2), 97-114 | Smiley G.L., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2010 |
Cytological investigations on colonization of sorghum roots by the mycoherbicide Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. strigae and its implications for Striga control using a seed treatment delivery system | Biological Control; 53(3), 249-257 | Elzein A., Heller A., Ndambi B., De Mol M., Kroschel J., Cadisch G. | Journal article | 2010 |
Attract-and-kill: A new strategy for the management of the potato tuber moths Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) and symmetrischema tangolias (Gyen) in potato: Laboratory experiments towards optimising pheromone and insecticide concentration | Pest Management Science; 66(5), 490-496 | Kroschel J., Zegarra O. | Journal article | 2010 |
Microbial control of the potato tuber moth Phthorimaea operculella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) [Control microbiano de la palomilla de la papa Phthorimaea operculella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)] | Revista Colombiana de Entomologia; 36(2), 181-189 | Lacey L.A., Kroschel J., Arthurs S.P., de la Rosa F. | Journal article | 2010 |
Sweetpotato weevil pheromones and their precursors: dose-response and structure-activity relationship in Cylas formicarius Fabr., Cylas brunneus Olivier and Cylas punc-ticollis BohemanAnnals of Tropical Research | Annals of tropical research; 31, 16-40; Visayas State University | E. A. Vasquez, D. Schmidt, C. P. W. Zebitz, U. Beifuß, I. Klaiber, J. Kroschel, R. Patindol | Journal article | 2009 |
Does vacuum-packaging or co-delivered amendments enhance shelf-life of Striga-mycoherbicidal products containing Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. strigae during storage? | Biocontrol Science and Technology; 19(4), 349-367 | Elzein A., Kroschel J., Marley P., Cadisch G. | Journal article | 2009 |
Potential of plastic barriers to control Andean potato weevil Premnotrypes suturicallus Kuschel | Crop Protection; 28(6), 466-476 | Kroschel J., Alcazar J., Poma P. | Journal article | 2009 |
Monitoring adherence to the international code of conduct: Highly hazardous pesticides in central andean agriculture and farmers' rights to health | International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health; 15(3), 255-268; Hamilton Hardy Publishing Inc. | Orozco F.A., Cole D.C., Forbes G., Kroschel J., Wanigaratne S., Arica D. | Journal article | 2009 |
Temporal change in carbon stocks of cocoa-gliricidia agroforests in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia | Agroforestry Systems; 73(3), 219-231 | Smiley G.L., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2008 |
Temporal change in carbon stocks of cocoa–gliricidia agroforests in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia | Agroforestry systems; 73(3), 219-231; Springer Nature | G. L. Smiley, J. Kroschel | Journal article | 2008 |
Effect of mucuna fallow on succeeding maize nutrition and yield in farmer-managed on-farm trials | Biological Agriculture and Horticulture; 26(1), 19-44 | Anthofer J., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2008 |
Effects of temperature on the activity and kinetics of the granulovirus infecting the potato tuber moth Phthorimaea operculella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) | Biological Control; 44(3), 286-295 | Sporleder M., Zegarra O., Cauti E.M.R., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2008 |
Efficacy of Pesta granular formulation of Striga-mycoherbicide Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. strigae Foxy 2 after 5-year of storage | Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection; 115(6), 259-262; Verlag Eugen Ulmer | Elzein A., Kroschel J., Cadisch G. | Journal article | 2008 |
Fusarium oxysporum strains as potential Striga mycoherbicides: molecular characterization and evidence for a new forma specialis" | The open mycology journal; 2, 89-93 | A. Elzein, F. Brändle, G. Cadisch, J. Kroschel, P. Marley, M. Thines | Journal article | 2008 |
Susceptibility of Phthorimaea operculella Zeller (Lepidoptera; Gelechiidae) to its granulovirus PoGV with larval age | Agricultural and Forest Entomology; 9(4), 271-278 | Sporleder M., Rodriguez Cauti E.M., Huber J., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2007 |
Biocontrol of broomrape (Orobanche crenata Forsk. and Orobanche foetida Poir. ) by Pseudomonas fluorescens isolate Bf7-9 from the faba bean rhizosphere | Biocontrol Science and Technology; 17(5), 483-497 | Zermane N., Souissi T., Kroschel J., Sikora R. | Journal article | 2007 |
Effect of mucuna fallow on weed dry matter and composition in succeeding maize | Biological Agriculture and Horticulture; 24(4), 397-414 | Anthofer J., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2007 |
Seed treatment technology: An attractive delivery system for controlling root parasitic weed Striga with mycoherbicide | Biocontrol Science and Technology; 16(1), 3-26 | Elzein A., Kroschel J., Leth V. | Journal article | 2006 |
Above-ground biomass, nutrients, and persistence of an early and a late maturing Mucuna variety in the Forest-Savannah Transitional Zone of Ghana | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment; 110(44958), 59-77 | Anthofer J., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2005 |
The potential of Ulocladium botrytis for biological control of Orobanche spp. | Biological Control; 33(3), 301-306 | Müller-Stöver D., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2005 |
An improved method to determine the biological activity (LC50) of the granulovirus PoGV in its host Phthorimaea operculella | Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata; 116(3), 191-197 | Sporleder M., Kroschel J., Huber J., Lagnaoui A. | Journal article | 2005 |
Host specificity of Fusarium oxysporum Schlect (isolate PSM 197) a potential mycoherbicide for controlling Striga spp. in West Africa | Weed research; 45(6), 407-412; John Wiley & Sons | P. S. Marley, J. Kroschel, A. Elzein | Journal article | 2005 |
Bioherbicidal effect of Fumonisin B1, a phytotoxic metabolite naturally produced by Fusarium nygamai, on parasitic weeds of the genus Striga | Biocontrol Science and Technology; 14(2), 117-128 | Kroschel J., Elzein A. | Journal article | 2004 |
Optimization of storage conditions for adequate shelf-life of 'Pesta' formulation of Fusarium oxysporum 'Foxy 2', a potential mycoherbicide for Striga: Effects of temperature, granule size and water activity | Biocontrol Science and Technology; 14(6), 545-559 | Elzein A., Kroschel J., Müller-Stöver D. | Journal article | 2004 |
Influence of Agricultural By-products in Liquid Culture on Chlamydospore Production by the Potential Mycoherbicide Fusarium oxysporum Foxy 2 | Biocontrol Science and Technology; 14(8), 823-836; Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Elzein A., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2004 |
Two granular formulations of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. orthoceras to mitigate sunflower broomrape Orobanche cumana | BioControl; 49(5), 595-602 | Müller-Stöver D., Thomas H., Sauerborn J., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2004 |
Effects of inoculum type and propagule concentration on shelf life of Pesta formulations containing Fusarium oxysporum Foxy 2, a potential mycoherbicide agent for Striga spp. | Biological Control; 30(2), 203-211; Academic Press Inc. | Elzein A., Kroschel J., Müller-Stöver D. | Journal article | 2004 |
A temperature-based simulation model for the potato tuberworm, Phthorimaea operculella Zeller (Lepidoptera; Gelechiidae) | Environmental Entomology; 33(3), 477-486; Entomological Society of America | Sporleder M., Kroschel J., Gutierrez Quispe M.R., Lagnaoui A. | Journal article | 2004 |
Fusarium oxysporum Foxy 2 shows potential to control both Striga hermonthica and S. asiatica | Weed Research; 44(6), 433-438 | Elzein A., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 2004 |
Biological control of Orobanche spp. with Phytomyza orobanchia, a review | BioControl; 47, 245-277; Springer Science Business Media B.V. | O. Klein, J. Kroschel | Journal article | 2002 |
Intercropping controls striga in maize based farming systems | Crop Protection; 21(5), 367-374 | Oswald A., Ransom J.K., Kroschel J., Sauerborn J. | Journal article | 2002 |
Chlamydospores of Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht f.sp. orthoceras (Appel & Wollenw.) Bilai as inoculum for wheat-flour - Kaolin granules to be used for the biological control of Orobanche cumana Wallr. | European Journal of Plant Pathology; 108(3), 221-228 | Müller-Stöver D., Kroschel J., Thomas H., Sauerborn J. | Journal article | 2002 |
Recent advances in the biocontrol of Orobanche (broomrape) species | BioControl; 46(2), 211-228 | Amsellem Z., Barghouthi S., Cohen B., Goldwasser Y., Gressel J., Hornok L., Kerenyi Z., Kleifeld Y., Klein O., Kroschel J., Sauerborn J., Müller-Stöver D., Thomas H., Vurro M., Zonno M.-C. | Review | 2001 |
Transplanting maize and sorghum reduces Striga hermonthica damage | Weed Science; 49(3), 346-353; Weed Science Society of America | Oswald A., Ransom J.K., Kroschel J., Sauerborn J. | Journal article | 2001 |
Fungi of Orobanche aegyptiaca in Nepal with potential as biological control agents | Biocontrol Science and Technology; 9(3), 379-381; Carfax Publishing Company | Thomas H., Sauerborn J., Müller-Stöver D., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 1999 |
Preliminary evaluation of Phytomyza orobanchia (Diptera, Agromyzidae) as a controller of Orobanche spp. in Ethiopia. | Sinet : an Ethiopian journal of science; 22 (2), 271-282 | A. E. M. Elzein, J. Kroschel, A. Adamsu, M. Fetene | Journal article | 1999 |
The potential of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. orthoceras as a biological control agent for Orobanche cumana in Sunflower | Biological Control; 13(1), 41-48; Academic Press Inc. | Thomas H., Sauerborn J., Müller-Stöver D., Ziegler A., Bedi J.S., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 1998 |
Two new species of Fusarium: Fusarium brevicatenulatum from the noxious weed Striga asiatica in Madagascar and Fusarium pseudoanthophilum from Zea mays in Zimbabwe | Mycologia; 90(3), 459-464; Allen Press Inc. | Nirenberg H.I., O'Donnell K., Kroschel J., Andrianaivo A.P., Frank J.M., Mubatanhema W. | Journal article | 1998 |
Effect of plant density on grain yield, root-length density and Orobanche crenata infestation in two faba bean genotypes | Weed Research; 37(1), 39-49; Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Manschadi A.M., Sauerborn J., Kroschel J., Saxena M.C. | Journal article | 1997 |
Biological control of the potato tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella zeller) in the Republic of Yemen using granulosis virus: Biochemical characterization, pathogenicity and stability of the virus | Biocontrol Science and Technology; 6(2), 207-216; Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Kroschel J., Fritsch E., Huber J. | Journal article | 1996 |
Biological control of the potato tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella Zeller) in the Republic of Yemen using granulosis virus: Propagation and effectiveness of the virus in field trials | Biocontrol Science and Technology; 6(2), 217-226; Taylor and Francis Ltd. | Kroschel J., Kaack H.J., Fritsch E., Huber J. | Journal article | 1996 |
Electron microscopic analysis of the penetration process of Fusarium nygamai, a hyperparasite of Striga hermonthica | Biological Control; 7(1), 53-59; Academic Press Inc. | Sauerborn J., Dörr I., Abbasher A., Thomas H., Kroschel J. | Journal article | 1996 |
Studies on the use of chemicals, botanicals and biological control in the management of the potato tuber moth in potato stores | Crop protection; 15 (2), 197-203; Elsevier | J. Kroschel, W. Koch | Journal article | 1996 |
Studies on the use of chemicals, botanicals and Bacillus thuringiensis in the management of the potato tuber moth in potato stores | Crop Protection; 15(2), 197-203; Elsevier BV | Kroschel J., Koch W. | Journal article | 1996 |
Dry matter production and partitioning in the host-parasite association Vicia faba-Orobanche crenata | Journal of Applied Botany; 70(45082), 224-229 | Manschadi A.M., Kroschel J., Sauerborn J. | Journal article | 1996 |
Dry matter production and partitioning in the host-parasite association Vicia faba-Orobanche crenata | Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition; 21(1), 224-229 | Manschadi A.M., Kroschel J., Sauerborn J. | Journal article | 1996 |
Pathogenicity of fungi collected in Northern Ghana to Striga hermonthica | Weed Research; 36(6), 515-520; Blackwell Publishing Ltd | Kroschel J., Hundt A., Abbasher A.A., Sauerborn J. | Journal article | 1996 |
Microorganisms of Striga hermonthica in Northern Ghana with Potential as Biocontrol Agents | Biocontrol Science and Technology; 5(2), 157-162 | Abbasher A.A., Kroschel J., Sauerborn J. | Journal article | 1995 |
Herbivores of Striga hermonthica in Northern Ghana and Approaches to Their Use as Biocontrol Agents | Biocontrol Science and Technology; 5(2), 163-164 | Kroschel J., Abbasher A.A., Sauerborn J. | Journal article | 1995 |
Studies on the population dynamics of the potato tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella Zell. (Lep., Gelechiidae) in the Republic of Yemen | Journal of Applied Entomology; 118(45047), 327-341 | Kroschel J., Koch W. | Journal article | 1994 |
Other Publications
Title | In: | Authors | Type | Year |
Insect pests affecting potatoes in tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions | The Potato Crop: Its Agricultural, Nutritional and Social Contribution to Humankind; 251-306; Springer International Publishing | Kroschel J., Mujica N., Okonya J., Alyokhin A. | Book Chapter | 2019 |
Methods of agroclimatology: Modeling approaches for pests and diseases | Agroclimatology; 453-488; wiley | Orlandini S., Magarey R.D., Park E.W., Sporleder M., Kroschel J. | Book Chapter | 2018 |
Insect Life Cycle Modelling (ILCYM) Software - A New Tool for Regional and Global Insect Pest Risk Assessments under Current and Future Climate Change Scenarios | Potential Invasive Pests of Agricultural Crops; 412-427; CABI Publishing | Sporleder M., Tonnang H.E.Z., Carhuapoma P., Gonzales J.C., Juarez H., Kroschel J. | Book Chapter | 2013 |
Biology and Ecology of Potato Tuber Moths as Major Pests of Potato | Insect Pests of Potato: Global Perspectives on Biology and Management; 165-192; Elsevier | Kroschel J., Schaub B. | Book Chapter | 2013 |
Developing integrated pest management for potato: Experiences and lessons from two distinct potato production systems of Peru | Sustainable Potato Production: Global Case Studies; 9789400741041, 419-450; Springer Netherlands | Kroschel J., Mujica N., Alcazar J., Canedo V., Zegarra O. | Book Chapter | 2012 |
Evaluating dissemination and impact of IPM: Lessons from case studies of Potato and Sweetpotato IPM in Peru and other Latin American countries | Integrated Pest Management; 2, 419-434; Springer Netherlands | Ortiz O., Kroschel J., Alcázar J., Orrego R., Pradel W. | Book Chapter | 2009 |
Field evaluation of an integrated Striga hermontica management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Synergy between Striga-mycoherbicides (biocontrol) and sorghum and maize resistant varieties | Journal of Plant Diseases and Proctection, Supplement; 691-699 | Schaub B., Marley P., Elzein A., Kroschel J. | Conference Paper | 2006 |
Host range studies of Fusarium oxysporum Foxy 2: An evidence for a new forma specialis and its implications for Striga control | Journal of Plant Diseases and Proctection, Supplement; 875-887 | Elzein A., Kroschel J. | Conference Paper | 2006 |
Development and efficacy of granular formulations of Fusarium oxysporum Foxy 2 for Striga control: An essential step towards practical field application in Africa | Journal of Plant Diseases and Proctection, Supplement; 889-905 | Elzein A., Kroschel J. | Conference Paper | 2006 |
Thaumatococcus daniellii (Benn.) Benth. - a Natural Sweetener from the Rain Forest Zone in West Africa with Potential for Income Generation in Small Scale Farming | 197; Klartext Verlag | S. O. Yeboah, T. H. Hilger, J. Kroschel | Conference paper | 2003 |
Cassava, maize and tree root development as affected by various agroforestry and cropping systems in Bénin, West Africa | Agriculture, ecosystems & environment; Volume 100(2-3), 137-151; Elsevier | Lose S.J., Hilger T.H., Leihner D.E., Kroschel J. | Conference Paper | 2003 |
Tropical Agriculture: Advances in Crop Research | ; Margraf Publishers | J. Kroschel | Monograph | 2002 |
Partial macro nutrient balances of Mucuna/Maize rotations in the Forest Savannah Transitional Zone of Ghana | 87-96; CAB International | J. Anthofer, J. Kroschel | Anthology contribution | 2002 |
International training courses and national training of extension staff | 161-162; Wolters Kluwer | S. Kachelriess, J. Kroschel | Anthology contribution | 2001 |
National training of extension staff | 163-167; Wolters Kluwer | S. Kachelriess, J. Kroschel | Anthology contribution | 2001 |
Biological control of Orobanche | 141-143; Wolters Kluwer | O. Klein, J. Kroschel | Anthology contribution | 2001 |
Field observation of insects | 135-139; Wolters Kluwer | O. Klein, A. Jost, J. Kroschel | Anthology contribution | 2001 |
Rearing of insects | 139-141; Wolters Kluwer | O. Klein, A. Jost, J. Kroschel | Anthology contribution | 2001 |
Biological assays to test toxins | 151-155; Wolters Kluwer | M. Vurro, J. Kroschel, V. Portnoy, D. M. Joel | Anthology contribution | 2001 |
Investigations on developmental stages: Pot experiments. | 63-66; Wolters Kluwer | K.-H. Linke, J. Kroschel | Anthology contribution | 2001 |
Application of control methods: Duration of fallow period and managed fallow | 88-89; Wolters Kluwer | K.-H. Linke, J. Kroschel | Anthology contribution | 2001 |
Investigations on developmental stages. Laboratory experiments: Observations of the underground development | 53-59; Wolters Kluwer | K.-H. Linke, D. M. Joel, J. Kroschel | Anthology contribution | 2001 |
Phytophages | 131-133; Wolters Kluwer | J. Kroschel, O. Klein | Anthology contribution | 2001 |
Determination of ecological behaviour | 17-19; Wolters Kluwer | J. Kroschel, K.-H. Linke | Anthology contribution | 2001 |
A technical manual for parasitic weed research and extension | 292 p; Wolters Kluwer | J. Kroschel | Monograph | 2001 |
Relevance to agriculture: Quantification of infestation and yield | 23-28; Wolters Kluwer | J. Kroschel | Anthology contribution | 2001 |
Relevance to agriculture: Analysis of farming systems. | 29-30; Wolters Kluwer | J. Kroschel | Anthology contribution | 2001 |
Biologie et gestion du Striga à Madagascar. Projet "Ecologie et Gestion des Plantes Parasites" | nnb, 61 p.; Direction de la Protection des Végétaux | A. P. Adrianaivo, S. Kachelriess, J. Kroschel, W. Zehrer | Monograph | 1998 |
Possibilities and Constraints in Implementing Striga Control Methods in African Agriculture. | 39-56 | J. Kroschel, J. Sauerborn, S. Kachelriess, V. Hoffmann, H. Mercer-Quarshie | Conference paper | 1996 |
Integrated Pest Management in Potato Production in the Republic of Yemen with Special Reference to the Integrated Biological Control of the Potato Tuber Moth (Phthorimaea operculella Zeller) | 227 p; Margraf Publishers | J. Kroschel | Monograph | 1995 |
The influence of different nitrogen sources on the development of Striga hermonthica and studies into the ecological behaviour of parasitic flowering plants | 11 | J. Kroschel | Conference paper | 1995 |
Biologische Bekämpfung der Kartoffelmotte (Phthorimaea operculella Zeller) (Lep., Gelechiidae) mit Granulosevirus in der Republik Jemen | 210 | J. Kroschel, E. Fritsch, J. Huber | Anthology contribution | 1994 |
Population dynamics of the potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella, in Jemen and its effects on yield | 241-246 | J. Kroschel | Anthology contribution | 1994 |
Integrierter Pflanzenschutz im Kartoffelanbau der Republik Jemen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der integrierten biologischen Bekämpfung der Kartoffelmotte (Phthorimaea operculella Zeller) | 241 p; Margraf Publishers | J. Kroschel | Monograph | 1993 |
Der Einfluss von Stickstoff auf phanerogame Wurzelparasiten und ihre Wirtspflanzen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. (Scrophulariaceae) | 154 p; Margraf Publishers | J. Kroschel | Monograph | 1989 |